Central Nine Career Center is a state approved testing center
HSE Testing

Central Nine Career Center is a state approved testing center for the HSE (formerly known as GED).
Although you must be at least 16 years of age to take the HSE test, you are never too old to test.
Office hours (subject to change)
Monday – Thursday 9 am – 7 pm, Friday 9am – 4 pm or 317-888-4401 x222
Applicants are required to be residents of the State of Indiana at least 30 days prior to taking the exam.
Everyone must register in advance and in person during regular office hours.
Register by noon on Thursday if the test is the following Monday.
Starting July 1, 2021, Indiana’s testing service will change from TASC to HiSET. HiSET is a nationally recognized high school equivalency test.
Plan ahead to prepare for the HiSET if you are a first time test taker.
TASC test takers will have until September 30, 2021 to pass any incomplete subject tests. It is important to understand that after this date any incomplete TASC test is no longer valid and the test taker must start again by taking all sections of the HiSET.
The following is required at registration:
If you are 18 years of age or older, you must:
- Present an unexpired government issued photo ID (driver’s license, permit, or state ID). A 2nd form of ID may be required to confirm your Indiana residency (if you present a passport or out-of-state ID).
- Prepay the $115 fee. Retests are $23 per section. We accept cash (exact change only) or credit/debit cards.
If you are 16 or 17 years of age, in addition to the above requirements, you must:
- Present an Exit Interview from the last high school you attended. You, your parent or guardian, the principal and the school superintendent must all sign the form.
- A signed withdrawal form that shows a student has been withdrawn to home school is an alternative.
- Student and parent or guardian must be present.
Acceptable forms of ID:
- Driver’s license
- Passport
- Current Pay Stub (for residency)
- Current Phone / Utility Bill (for residency)
- Current Lease (for residency)
We are unable to reserve test space without proper payment and proper ID.
You must register PRIOR to your desired test date.
Test spaces are limited.
HSE Test Dates
Fall 2021 HiSET Test Dates:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mondays & Tuesdays, 4:45 pm – 9:30 pm Full test over two nights Examinees will take a Computer Based Test. August 9 & 10 September 27 & 28 November 13 (all day Saturday test) November 15 & 16 December 6 & 7Spring 2021 HiSET Test Dates:
Examinees will take a Computer Based Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mondays & Tuesdays, 4:45 pm – 9:30 pm Full test over two nights(Monday or Tuesday, 4:45 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.)
TASC Retests
Monday, July 19
Tuesday, July 20
Monday, August 2
Monday, August 23
Monday, September 13
Monday, October 4
HiSet Retests
Monday, September 20
Monday, November 1
Monday, December 13
(Mondays, 4:45 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.)
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